It Takes a Village: Equitable Collection and Reflection of Scholarship in Faculty Information and Expert Finder Systems


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Syracuse University has discovered that it takes a village to build inclusive and interoperable mechanisms for the capture and reflection of traditional scholarship and creative activities of our faculty. Prior to our integration of a new faculty information system, numerous units were working separately to achieve a common goal: comprehensive and equitable collection and reflection of faculty activities across the entire university—especially in the areas of humanities, visual and performing arts, social sciences, and professional studies, where scholarly products and activities often do not fit existing profile or activity reporting templates. However, each unit understood that having a close-to comprehensive picture of creative, scholarly, and research activities in one place could foster greater visibility, increased collaboration, more accurate institutional reporting, and subsequent strategic action. Now, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness in Academic Affairs, the Research Impacts Team at Syracuse University Libraries, and the Office of Research have banded together to forge a path toward optimal systems interconnectedness, reflective of our entire institutional population, with an added emphasis on reducing duplication of data entry (faculty activities) across these systems.

The success of this project is largely tied to social interoperability and the ability of the individuals in our groups to leverage our combined networks of cross-campus connections to improve the data collection methods within the Faculty Portfolio System (powered by Watermark's Faculty Success) and tie these efforts to ongoing improvements with Experts@Syracuse (powered by Pure). For this panel session, our team of cross-campus partners will discuss our efforts and share examples of how we have leveraged our connections and individual operations to move towards developing systems that are more equitable and inclusive of all faculty in all disciplines.

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Start Date

5-4-2023 11:30 AM

End Date

5-4-2023 12:15 PM

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Apr 5th, 11:30 AM Apr 5th, 12:15 PM

It Takes a Village: Equitable Collection and Reflection of Scholarship in Faculty Information and Expert Finder Systems

Syracuse University has discovered that it takes a village to build inclusive and interoperable mechanisms for the capture and reflection of traditional scholarship and creative activities of our faculty. Prior to our integration of a new faculty information system, numerous units were working separately to achieve a common goal: comprehensive and equitable collection and reflection of faculty activities across the entire university—especially in the areas of humanities, visual and performing arts, social sciences, and professional studies, where scholarly products and activities often do not fit existing profile or activity reporting templates. However, each unit understood that having a close-to comprehensive picture of creative, scholarly, and research activities in one place could foster greater visibility, increased collaboration, more accurate institutional reporting, and subsequent strategic action. Now, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness in Academic Affairs, the Research Impacts Team at Syracuse University Libraries, and the Office of Research have banded together to forge a path toward optimal systems interconnectedness, reflective of our entire institutional population, with an added emphasis on reducing duplication of data entry (faculty activities) across these systems.

The success of this project is largely tied to social interoperability and the ability of the individuals in our groups to leverage our combined networks of cross-campus connections to improve the data collection methods within the Faculty Portfolio System (powered by Watermark's Faculty Success) and tie these efforts to ongoing improvements with Experts@Syracuse (powered by Pure). For this panel session, our team of cross-campus partners will discuss our efforts and share examples of how we have leveraged our connections and individual operations to move towards developing systems that are more equitable and inclusive of all faculty in all disciplines.