Implementing a Unified Faculty Activity Reporting System at Virginia Tech


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This presentation details Virginia Tech's journey in implementing a university-wide faculty activity reporting system. We will discuss the reporting needs of the institution, including the necessity to pull a variety of faculty activities datasets such as proposals, professional development, student evaluations, etc., spread across the different departments within the university. We will also discuss the limitations of the reporting system that came with our commercial faculty activity tracking system, which motivated us to implement our own external reporting solution. Finally, we dive into the technical details of our reporting application, talk about data governance, and address the successes achieved and challenges we faced along the way.

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Start Date

5-4-2023 9:55 AM

End Date

5-4-2023 10:25 AM

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Apr 5th, 9:55 AM Apr 5th, 10:25 AM

Implementing a Unified Faculty Activity Reporting System at Virginia Tech

This presentation details Virginia Tech's journey in implementing a university-wide faculty activity reporting system. We will discuss the reporting needs of the institution, including the necessity to pull a variety of faculty activities datasets such as proposals, professional development, student evaluations, etc., spread across the different departments within the university. We will also discuss the limitations of the reporting system that came with our commercial faculty activity tracking system, which motivated us to implement our own external reporting solution. Finally, we dive into the technical details of our reporting application, talk about data governance, and address the successes achieved and challenges we faced along the way.